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Stangenes Current Transformers have been constructed in so many shapes and sizes that it is impossible to show them all at once. The following descriptions represent broad categories, which can be reconfigured almost infinitely.

For measurement of pulse and AC currents over a wide range of amplitudes, pulse lengths, and frequencies.

Stangenes Current Transformers have:
  • Complete isolation from the circuit to be measured (no ground currents)
  • Shielded construction
  • Internal 50 ohm
Unit of Measure


Output (Accuracy ±0.5%)

0.1 (volt/amp)

Inner Diameter

0.5 in

Max. Current (Peak)

5 k A

Max. Current (RMS)

30 A

Pulse Rise Time

10 ns

Square Pulse Droop

0.05 %/µsec

Square Pulse IT max.

0.02 amp.sec



May need small bias current through secondary for maximum rating.